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Pinnaroo Show
Next Show: 9 October 2024

Pinnaroo Showgrounds
Homburg Terrace, Pinnaroo

Lynne Summerton
PO Box 80, Pinnaroo SA 5304
Ph:  0429 811 779

Admission tickets are available at the gate on Show Day 
Adults $15 -- School children $5 -- Pensioners $5
Family $40 (2 adults, 3 children) 

Show events begin at 7.30am with the yard dogs ; 8.30am with the horses-in-action and sheaf tossing at 1.00pm.

Pavilion displays open at 11.30am after judging.

Official opening at 12noon

Pinnaroo Agricultural Society prides itself on holding a Show that encompasses the traditional Show Culture with the modern needs of today.

We have a large trade display and market style traders.

Huge fireworks display at night

Entertainment for 2024 is in progress

Connor Hogan - moto trial rider

Rainbow Animal Farm

Face painting by Vanessa

Music - Little Black Dress

  • Agricultural Produce
  • Art
  • Beer
  • Cookery
  • Cut Flowers
  • Floral Art
  • Handicrafts
  • Horses - In Action (to be confirmed)
  • Merino Wool
  • Needlework
  • Photography
  • Pot Plants
  • Poultry
  • Preserves
  • Shearing
  • Sheaf Tossing
  • Vegetables
  • Yard Dogs


  • Young Judges competition - Wool, Grain, Sheep
  • Bushman's Challenge
  • Mallee Brick Road
  • Fireworks
  • Sideshows
  • CWA/Laucke Scone Competition
  • Genoa Cake Competition
  • Rich Fruit Cake
  • Rural Ambassador Award
  • Young Rural Ambassador Award

108th Show - 8th October 2025 (to be confirmed)