Mil Lel Show
Next Show: 12 October 2024
South East
Mil Lel Memorial Park
62 Sherwin Road, Mil Lel
Lynette Fritsch (Secretary)
PO Box 8065, Mount Gambier East SA 5291
Ph: 0408 036 373 millelshow@gmail.com
Adults $10,
School Children $2,
Pre School Children FREE
Gates Open to the general public at 9:30am and equestrian events at 8:30am.
A small one day community show with a strong emphasis on family activities and entertainment.
- Vintage and steam engine/machinery display.
- Billy cart competition.
- Ag bike challenge.
- Local trade and volunteer displays.
- Local entertainment including Highland dancing.
- Animal nursery, native animals, pet parade.
- childrens/family activities
- Fully catered with BBQ, local group catering in hall, dine in and take away.
- Indoor displays and exhibits including cookery, craft and produce.
- Beef cattle exhibits featuring Highland cattle
Equestrian events include
- show jumping,
- ridden and led hacks
- ponies and breed
- fashions on the field
- topsy
- barrel racing
- Australin Pony Stud Book
- Hunts and hurdles (Sunday 13th)
- Agricultural Produce
- Cattle - Beef
- Cookery
- Cut Flowers
- Handicrafts
- Horses - In Action
- Needlework
- Pets
- Photography
- Pot Plants
- Preserves