Eudunda Oval, Morgan Road, Eudunda SA 5374
President: Garry Schutz
Secretary : Melinda Schutz
Ph: 0408 353 906
Email: secretary@eudundashow.au
Prepaid family membership or pay at the gates on Show day
Show Day Gate Admission:
Adults: $15
Concession: $10
Children (up to 18 years): $5
Children (under 5 years): Free
Free Parking
Show Programme and trading from 10:00am
Family fun filled day with free activities for all ages. Food, Live music and entertainment, Variety of trade sites, Show Hall full of Exhibits of wool, agricultural and garden produce, cooking & preserves, art & craft, flowers & potplants, needlework and photography. Range of Competitions with Horses in action, speed shear competition, Eudunda's Farm Fit farmer's challenge, Ewe Hogget competition, Young Judges Competition. All welcome to come and check out the Eudunda Show!
Dog Jumping, Speed Shearing, Motorbike demonstrations, Rev it up racing, Circus Elements, Eudunda's Farm Fit farmer's Challenge, Horses in Action, Petting Zoo, Pony rides, Live Music, Martial Arts, Gustav Treasure Trail, Remote Control Trucks, Lots lots more...........
- Agricultural Produce
- Art & Crafts & Hobbies
- Cookery & Preserves
- Dog Jumping
- Merino Ewe Hogget Competition
- Merino Young Judges Competition
- Eudunda's Farm Fit Farmer's Challenge
- Flowers & Plants
- Fruit, Vegetables & Produce
- Home Brew
- Horses - In Action
- Junior Sections
- Needlework
- Old Bike Display Show & Shine
- Photography
- Poultry & Waterfowl
- Pot Plants
- Show Ambassador Quest (Show Girl/Boy)
- Speed Shearing
- Wool
- Laucke/CWA Scone Competition
- Rural Ambassador Award
- Young Rural Amabassador Award
- Young Farmers Challenge