Kapunda Harness Racing Complex,
41 Hancock Road, Kapunda
President: Mandy Gerhardy
PO Box 85, Kapunda SA 5373
Ph: 0427 635 416
Email: kapundashow@gmail.com
Trade Space Coordinator:
Email: kapundashowtradespaces@gmail.com
Saturday Admission Costs are as per below (on the day):
Adults (18+) $10.00
Pensioners $8.00
Children (6 – 17 years): $5.00
Children under (5 years): Free
Opening Time: 9.00am—4.30pm
The Kapunda and Light Agricultural Show (or Kapunda Show in short) is held annually on the last weekend in October. The main show day is Saturday, however, we have Horses in Action on Saturday and Sunday.
The Show is held to promote agriculture, horticulture, produce/preserves, cookery, art and handicrafts in the Kapunda and Light District. We have both Junior and Senior sections.
Kapunda Show also provides for local, state and interstate competitors an opportunity to participate in a School Gymkhana, Show Jumping and Hack and Harness in our Horses in Action events, as well as many other events such as Sheep, Goats and Yard Dogs.
Plenty of entertainment for the kids, including a Show Trail Bag!
- Agricultural Produce
- Amateur Photography
- Art
- Cake Decorating
- Cookery
- Cut Flowers / Pot Plants
- Floral Art
- Garden Produce / Fresh Vegetables
- Goats
- Goats - Angora
- Handicrafts
- Horses - Harness
- Horses - In Action
- Merino Wool
- Needlework
- Pets
- Photography
- Pot Plants
- Preserves
- Sheaf Tossing
- Vegetables
- Yard Dogs
- Wool
Junior Competitions
- Agricultural Produce
- Amateur Photography
- Colouring/Poster Competition
- Cookery
- Handicrafts
- Personality Awards
- Produce Fruit & Veg
- Youth Art
- Writing Competition
- Dog Jumping
- Ute Competition
- Young Farmers Challenge
Kapunda Goat Show
State Competitions
- CWA/Laucke Scone Competition
- Genoa Cake Semi Finals
- Rural Ambassador Award
- Young Rural Ambassador Award