Jamestown Show
Next Show: 6 & 7 October 2024
Victoria Park,
Section 736 Kilmarnock Terrace,
Amy Hagger
Jamestown A.H. & F. Show Society Inc.
PO Box 188, Jamestown SA 5491
Ph: 0418 795 525
Email: secretary@jamestownshow.com.au
Adults: $16 (for 2 days)
Children under 16: $8
Pre- school children: Free
Motor Vehicles: $2
Sunday 10am to late, Monday 8am to 4pm (please see website)
The Show that has something for everyone.
Come and experience all a country Show has to offer with 2 days of entertainment, stalls, sideshows, live music & fireworks all for the price of $16 per adult for 2 days of fun
- Art
- Beer
- Cake Decorating
- Cattle - Beef
- Cookery
- Cut Flowers
- Dogs
- Handicrafts
- Horses - In Action
- Merino Sheep
- Merino Wool
- Needlework
- Photography
- Pigeons
- Pot Plants
- Poultry
- Preserves
- Shearing
- Vegetables
- Yard Dogs
- Young Judges - Cattle, Sheep & Wool
- Laucke/CWA Scone Competition
- Rich Fruit Cake Semi Finals
- Genoa Cake Semi Finals
- Rural Ambassador Award
- Young Rural Ambassador Award